Monday, 22 August 2011

Beginning a new project

This blog is specially created so that I can work on project material with Distant Stitch. The work starts tomorrow, when I will post my first efforts - my aim is in the first instance to improve my drawing skills, which I am afraid are pathetic. So watch this space, and if you are doing a similar project then please feel free to leave a comment (polite or otherwise) about how you think I am doing. I need the feedback.


  1. I'm not doing this course but have been trying out Sian's Summer Sketchbook. At least be encouraged by th fact that if you think you are pathetic you can only get better. Enjoy the course.

  2. You'll be amazed how quickly you get less than pathetic if you just stick at it. And I always say that I don't care about the results as long as I enjoy it. So enjoy!

  3. Maggie - thanks. I really do think I am pathetic and I totally lack confidence as you will see in today's post. But I take courage from what you say and will persevere. I know I need feedback in order to keep going, which is why I am doing the course. I can't just work from a book on my own.

  4. Thanks AJ. You give me encouragement too. Maybe I will get better if I keep at it every day - I certainly hope so. I was married previously to a very good painter and draughtsman and I think this has helped to give me a complex that I just cant do it.
